Fake YL Bag
Fake Chanel Earring and Fake Dior Keyring
Fake LV Shoes
Fake Chanel Ring (reminds me of Scarlet in 4 Weds&A Funeral)
Fake Chanel Handbag
Fake Chanel Locket
Fake YL Boots
Fake YL Bag
Fake Chanel Blazer
Fake Chanel...Socks?
Fake Chanel Bag

Fake YL Bag

Fake Burberry Bag

Fake Prada Bag

Fake Fendi Sunglasses

Fake YL Pendant
Fake YL Bag...low pants with g-sting:)

Fake Burberry Sneakers
That brand you call YL is really LV...as in Louis Vuitton